I especially like the patterns. The packages look much as Simplicity, etc., patterns do now. The charm is in the markings: "Virginia, Spring '44" and "checked 12 '44; 15 pieces, all here". The pictures on the envelopes are simply priceless. So I'll go through them more thoroughly at my leisure, assuming I get some leisure some time in the next 25 years.
Phil is generously allowing me to keep fabric remnants from my mother's projects...I recognize some of the fabric. I'm keeping ALL of the fabric that must have belonged to my grandmothers. Too cool to dispose of right now...it all evokes the poetic in me. Perhaps it's false nostalgia, perforce, because I wasn't there..., but I think it's my inner magpie, fascinated by the novelty of a connection between life a hundred years ago and life now. Actual, physical life, that is, or the remnants thereof.
Thank you, Minnie and Irene and VIC (Ginny to all of us...). God rest you merry.